Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Hoo boy! Nobody (me included) wanted to do school today. Cloudy days are not a homeschooler's friend. But we did it anyway, after I explained to E that school is mandatory after age 7 and so if she didn't want to do school with me I would have to take her to enroll in the public school ("See you at 3, dear!") She didn't like that idea much. So I read If You Lived With the Sioux Indians by Ann McGovern, and The Story of Jumping Mouse by John Steptoe. We learned about tercets in A Kick in the Head by Paul B. Janeczko, and I made a handwriting worksheet out of the tercet he used:

Kitchen crickets make a din,
sending taunts to chilly kin,
"You're outside, but we got in."

Joan Bransfield Graham

E didn't know the meanings of din, taunts, and kin, so we looked them up and she wrote them on the back of the worksheet. She also asked why "You're" had an "e" at the end, so we had an impromptu discussion about the difference between your and you're. Then she did math.

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