Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Read Flash, Crash, Rumble, and Roll by Franklyn M. Branley and Sergio and the Hurricane by Alexandra Wallner, then Look What Came From India by Miles Harvey. Started on the War of 1812 with The War of 1812 by Lucia Raatma. That was all I intended to read today, but when we got to the part about the USS Constitution, E got very excited and told me all about the book she read on her own: The Story of Old Ironsides by Norman Richards. I was amazed at how much she remembered from the book! She wanted me to read it to her so I did. After lunch, she read a book to T: Angelina and the Butterfly by Katharine Hollabird, and had a spelling lesson. All our caterpillars have become crysalids and got moved into the butterfly habitat over the weekend. We also spent some time looking at a really fabulous huge stick insect on our screen door.

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